Learn more about navigating alternative legal status options and eligibility for newcomers who arrived in the United States through humanitarian parole programs. The above link includes an on-demand webinar.
Driver's Education-
A generous grant from the Fred & Floy Willmott Foundation and the First Unitarian Church made it possible for Keeping Our Promise to have the NYS Driver's manual translated into Dari and Pashto. This translation will help ensure that those in our program, and anyone resettling to New York, receive the education needed to safely drive in our community.
To access the driver's manual in Dari or Pashto , click on the buttons below.
This U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants resource is for those who arrived to the United States AFTER September 2021. Counseling services are available to those experiencing sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, depression, difficult sleeping, or any other distress. This FREE service is offered in Dari, Pashto, and English. Afghan refugees, asylees, parolees, and SIV holders are encouraged to call the Wellness Helpline for virtual support and, if desired, referral to additional programs that support their well-being.
خط کمک تلیفونی سلامتی برای افغان ها (800-615-6514) خدمات مشاوره ای را به کسانی ارائه می دهد که غمگینی، خشم، اضطراب، ترس، دیپریشن، مشکل در خوابیدن یا هر ناراحتی دیگری را تجربه می کنند. این خدمات رایگان به زبان های دری، پشتو و انگلیسی ارائه می شود. افغان پناهندگان، پناهجویان، پارولي و اشخاصی دارای اس آی وی تشویق می شوند تابرای حمایت مجازی با خط کمک تلیفونی سلامتی تماس بگیرند، و در صورت علاقمندی، به برنامه های اضافی که از سلامتی آنها حمایت می کند که توسط دفتر اسکان مجدد پناهندگان تمویل می شود، معرفی نماید.
د افغانانو لپاره د سالمی روغتیا مرستندویه ټیلیفونی کرښه (800-615-6514) هغو کسانو ته د مشورې خدمتونه وړاندې کوي چې خپګان، غوسه، اضطراب، ویره، ډیپریشن، د خوب ستونزه او یا کوم بل مشکل سره مخ وی. دا وړیا خدمتونه په دري، پښتو او انګلیسي ژبو وړاندې کیږي. افغان کډوال، پناه غوښتونکي، پارولي، او اس آی وی لرونکی اشخاص هڅول کیږي چې د سالمی روغتیا مرستندویه کرښی ته د مجازی مرستې لپاره زنګ ووهي، او که غواړي چی اضافي پروګرامونو ته چی د دوی په هوساینې
As part of a New York State Department of Health grant, KOP partnered with Rahama on April 30, 2024 for a workshop on Muslim-Based Family Wellness & Mental Health. Presentation slides are available here:
Women's Resources- As part of a New York State Department of Health grant, KOP partnered with Dr Nadia Hashimi on April 19, 2024 for an intimate workshop for women about processing trauma and healing through writing personal narratives. Presentation slides are available here:
In December 2023 KOP partnered with RG&E and URMC Family Medicine to host an emergency preparedness event to keep families safe and healthy. Attendees learned about smoke detector, natural gas, and carbon monoxide home safety, and also received information on the flu vaccine. The following information was translated and distributed, and is now available for general use in the community:
Adapted from Monroe County Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning: theleadcoalition.org Eliminating lead poisoning is everyone’s responsibility. Lead poisoning is a serious health risk, especially to our children. Lead can cause many problems in children and adults, including:
• Long-term learning and behavior issues • Brain Damage • Hearing loss • Long-term health concerns like kidney damage and high blood pressure
• Homes built before 1978 probably contain lead paint. • Peeling or deteriorated paint can create lead dust. This dust can settle in living areas and on toys. • Other sources include cooking pots, jewelry, pottery, and cosmetics like kohl eyeliner from other countries.
Make sure your home is lead safe. Rochester City Law says If you rent or own a home in Rochester, you can call (585) 428-6520 to request a free lead inspection. If you are a renter, you cannot be evicted for requesting a lead inspection of your home. ● The only way to know if a child has been exposed to lead is to get a blood lead test. Request a blood lead test at any medical visit or whenever you suspect your child may be exposed to lead.
● It’s the law that all children must get a blood test for lead at age ONE and AGAIN at age TWO, and whenever a potential risk of lead exposure exists
● The Monroe County Department of Public Health will do a mandatory home inspection for any child who has a blood lead result of 8 μg/dL or higher. If a child lives in the city of Rochester, is under 6 years old, and had a blood lead test result between 5 and 7 μg/dL, a parent can request a home investigation by calling the County Health Dept. at (585) 753-5087.
Do not use pressure cookers from other countries, or those that have tested positive for lead. Wash a child’s hands and toys often, especially after playing and before eating. Make sure your cosmetics do not contain lead, as it might poison you AND your children. If you work with lead, wash work clothes separately from family clothes. Wet wipe or mop flat surfaces and floors often with detergent and water. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to catch lead dust. Call (585) 753-5087 to borrow one from the Monroe County Health Dept. Make sure your child eats healthy foods. Foods high in iron and calcium can help lower your child’s lead risk. • Eat whole-grain breads, beans, tuna, and green leafy vegetables like spinach for iron. • Drink low-fat milk and eat yogurt and cheese for calcium.
Lead and Afghan Children: Many children arriving to the United States have had some level of exposure to lead in Afghanistan or other countries, and will test positive. This news can be very scary for parents, but under a doctor’s care most children will be just fine. With adherence to the rules outlined above, and listening to their doctor, their lead levels can go down in time. For more information on preventing lead poisoning, contact: • The Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning, (585) 224-3125, www.theleadcoalition.org -or- Monroe County Department of Public Health (585) 753-5087.
COVID-19 Prevention & Care-
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms please obtain and administer a test using these Pashto or Dari instructions.